So- I have had many people email and ask me how I stay on top of Scrapbooking and dont get overwhelmed with the whole thing, especially with 3 kiddos running around. And, it could be REALLY easy to get behind and throw in the towel, but scrapbooking is suppose to be fun! So, here is how I do it :) I MAKE LISTS!
1. I Makes lists of events and random things I was to take pictures of. Example- pictures of Piper smiling, Kylin's tumbling, everyday moments, Kylin in her Princess dresses, Piper's nursery, Mckay and his hot cocoa. . By making lists of things to take pictures of then I can have ideas for special moments I want my kids to see someday and me to rememeber.
2. Make lists of everything you want to scrapbook from those pictures. I also put title ideas down or LO page number ideas next to it. Example- Piper smiling: "just to see you smile...we would do anything." Book II page 2 (I will tell you about my inspiration notebook in a sec) That way if you have a list of things to scrapbook, you dont forget anything and you wont feel overwhelmed becuase it is all there on paper and ready for you whenever you get a free minute to scrap. I dont even do them in order...I just do what I am in the mood for.
3. I get a subscription to 2 different scrapbook magazines, and so every month I sit and cut out LO ideas that I like and I glue them in an "inspiration notebook." That way if I am ever stummed or dont have time to come up with a creative LO of my own I can just look through my notebook. Sometimes I will go through and find LO's I want to use for certain pictures and then I write that page number next to it on my "Things to Scrapbook" list. Does that make sense. I number all the pages in that notebook and it really gets the juices flowing so I rarely get stumped.
4. Sometimes I go through digital sites and save to my computer the LO's I like to use later for inspiration. Plus, it really gets the juices flowing about fun pictures to take.
So, there are just a few of the ideas I use for keeping up with this WONDERFUL hobby. Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any questions...and HAPPY SCRAPBOOKING!
Okay, my darling sister who is always so on top of everything and so stinkin' creative! Can you figure out how I can find time now...I mean I am plenty inspired and long to scrap....but now I am just a year behind, overwhelmed and find myself choosing between exercise, sleeping or scrapping...somehow it ends up being that order too. Love all your late pages and your inspiration!!! Oh! And I am telling you - you need to do the 365 Project this year. I am going to post mine as soon as I finish up the was so fun and pretty easy!
thanks for the tips!! i just love your brain and the way it works:) i just hope i can be as multi-tasky as you are when i have 3 kids!
Great tips. Very much appreciated. You have done a ton of pages lately. I love it. I need to get moving. Seriously moving! Where did you get all the stuff for your thanksgiving page. I love the flowers and circles with font. Thanks again!
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